Take Social Media Marketing To A New Level - Marketing Tip no 010

If yours is among the many small businesses that has taken advantage of everything social media marketing has to offer, then you might find yourself struggling to keep up at times.  

You might wish you had more hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to do plus stay on top of all the latest social media marketing trends. 

The Problem: Keep Up With Demands
Just about two short years ago, social media marketing was a bit less complicated than it is now. 
Business owners felt they could manage everyday tasks plus keep up with their Twitter feeds and Facebook fan pages. 
Since social media has enjoyed such a boom, there are a lot more options for monetizing as well as expanding marketing opportunities. 
If you’re trying to do it on your own, you’re very likely feeling completely overwhelmed.  

You know social media marketing is important, and there is no way you could (or should!) cut it out of the picture. 
The question is, how can you take advantage of everything social media marketing has to offer, while running your business and living your life? 
If you are one of the millions of people who stay up until the wee hours administering a social media marketing campaign, getting a few hours of sleep, spending all day running the business, and burning yourself out completely in the process, then you need an answer – and you need it fast. 

The Solution:  Delegate
If you are tired of burning the candle at both ends, it’s time to do something about it. 
Hiring a company or individual who specializes in handling social media marketing for businesses can give you back some of those precious hours – last time I counted, there were still only twenty four of them in a day. 
By letting someone else wade through the heaps of information, manage your fans, friends, and tweets, upload your videos, and keep your blog moving, you can take back the hours you need to replenish yourself and truly enjoy your life more.  

An added bonus:  Using a firm that specializes in SEO and social media marketing can help your business grow in a whole new direction. 
Making this one simple change in the way you do business can make a difference in your company’s outlook – as well as your own! Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Local Business and SEO: Start an SEO Marketing Campaign With Keyword Research - Marketing Tip no 009

Local business owners who succeed with SEO marketing can compete in an ever-changing marketplace, and can keep their businesses operating and thriving, even during challenging times like these.  

If you’re new to SEO, it is understandable that you’ll have a lot of questions. 
When we talk about how SEO works, there is a lot of ground to cover.  Like anything else, you’ve got to have a starting point. 
Keyword research is one of the most important aspects to using SEO within the framework of your business.

Here are three things that will make the process of keyword research geared toward eventual SEO marketing a lot easier. 
Don’t worry – once you get started, you’ll find it’s easier than you may think.
Tools Are Important! 

Google’s Adwords for small businesses costs a little money, but is one of the easiest, most comprehensive tools you can use to research keywords. 
If you want to get your SEO marketing campaign up and running quickly, hiring an expert to do the research for you can take the frustration as well as most of the time out of the process.  

While you might feel tempted to do SEO marketing research all on your own using free tools, keep the fact that your time is valuable in mind, and weigh the costs of using that time to do your research versus using your time in a more profitable way. 

Get In The Back Door
If your business is in a specific niche – let’s say, restaurants in Washington, DC, then you might have a tough time trying to outrank top competition. 
So, shoot for the back door. 
Use the fact that many consumers use misspelled words, and keep that in mind while you’re looking for the right keywords to use within your SEO marketing plan. 
In addition, think about using words that competitors might not have thought of, and think about using various combinations of keywords to help your local business rank better. 

Be Specific!
Combine keywords so your site is easy for search engines to find. 
Using our DC restaurant example, let’s say you offer sushi. 
Use combinations of the words “sushi”, “Washington”, and “DC” instead of just using the word “sushi” to try to rank. 
Test this out for yourself:  Type “sushi” into your search box, and look at what comes up.  

Next, type “sushi Washington”, and you’ll see some better results. 
Finally, type “sushi Washington DC” and you’ll see a comprehensive list of restaurants that rank for sushi in DC. 
Failing to be specific is a major waste of time and money, so don’t skip this step!

With just a little knowledge of your own, as well as a clear goal in mind and a smattering of professional assistance, you can conduct your research quickly and start optimizing – it’s money well spent, especially when you consider the fact that SEO marketing is one of the best ways to make your business, whatever it may be, better than ever. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Optimize Your Blog for Google: A Guide for New Bloggers - Marketing Tip no 008

Your small business has finally gone online, and you're starting to see some success – congratulations! 
Let's take a few minutes to discuss blogging as a tool for marketing your products and services.  

I have found, in talking to business owners, that there is some confusion about blogs – what they are, why they exist, and whether or not blogging is beneficial.  

What Is A Blog?
A blog, short for “Web log” is a way to inform the world about what you have to offer. 
It's usually written in an informal, easy to read format. 
Many people like to include a shot of humor into their blogs, while others are all about business or promoting special deals. 
In a nutshell, a blog is a way to get people to notice your company. 
If it's fun and entertaining to read, or if it contains special information that the customer has not been able to find anywhere else, you're likely to have made a new friend for your business. 
This being said, you've got to know how to write and use your blogs so that Google notices them and picks them up when people are searching for the product or service you are trying to promote. 
You can write all day, but if you don't optimize, you're basically wasting your time. 

Why Is Optimization Important?
Optimization gets you noticed. 
People who are searching for what you have to offer will click on the results that show up at the top of their search – so you want to place yourself or your business into a position to get those clicks. 
You want to be noticed!

If you don't optimize, your blog won't be helpful. 
Sure, you may have some customers who know about it follow and comment, but you won't be using it as an effective marketing tool. 
You'll never be able to attract new business with a blog that is not optimized.  

Top Optimization Tips
* Be specific!  Name your location and your service specifically. 
* Find out what keywords are most often associated with your business, and use them!
* Don't be afraid to get help.  An experienced SEO team is worth its' weight in gold. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

How Can LinkedIn Help Small Businesses?- Marketing Tip no 007

LinkedIn is a social network that is geared toward linking together small businesses.  

This network – well over twelve million strong – provides an opportunity for folks to stay in daily and weekly touch with their current clients, as well as their potential clients (leads).
Here is a short list of the ways that you can use LinkedIn to improve your chances at small business success!

* As noted, use LinkedIn to stay in touch with people who resonate with your business. These can be current clients, potential clients, or folks who are interested in your business or have similar or related businesses.
* Ask your peers about their vendors.
* Trade services.
* Use the LinkedIn’s Groups directory to search for industry associations and networks.
* Find out which conventions your peers (and possibly your competition) is attending (or are likely to be planning to attend).  Similarly answer questions and show your expertise.
* Use Group Answers (pull-down menu in Groups) to see what questions people are asking (and who those people might be!)
* Fund Raising: Though you might not actually ask for help raising funds for your venture, just being connected to the right people may provoke them to offer you assistance.
* Combine your efforts with other social networking accounts such as Twitter – or even Facebook  (You can actually sync your contacts between LinkedIn and Twitter.).
* Provide links to your small business blogs to show your expertise in your area
Make sure you abide by the rules that LinkedIn sets for business and small businesses.  You want to avoid any association with spamming.
Like any other business-related activities, this can all take time.  

Yes, you have to check in daily and spend time reading other people's blogs and questions and answers. 
But using them also adds a certain mystique to your corporate image. 
Do you want to be seen as the conventional, stodgy homegrown business? 
Or do you want to be seen as an entrepreneur?
Finally: Be forewarned: Like other social networks, LinkedIn can become a respite away from business-related business.  

Be mindful of this and steer clear of the temptation to socialize. 
Keep community and business functions separate, or better yet, hire a firm to take on some of the most time consuming social media marketing tasks for you.  

Your time will be your own, and everything that needs attention will be handled immediately. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Google Places: A Great Way to Get Your Business Noticed For Free - Marketing Tip no 006

You know your small business exists. 
You probably spend a good portion of every day running it!  

The question is, how can you get people who have never been there before to notice you?  

Google Places is one great way to do it. 
Whether you are on a well-travelled corner, or if you’re tucked away on a winding country lane, Google Places will inform potential customers about your location, as well as give them information about the products or services you offer. 
Why Google?
While there are other search engines out there,
Google is by far the most popular, as well as the most comprehensive of them all. 
What Is Google Places?
Google Places is a free service offered by Google, to help business owners inform consumers about their hours of operation, products and services, special offers, and more. 
Your business can display photographs and videos on Google Places, and you can communicate with clientele and get important feedback that can help you improve your bottom line.  

What are Google Places Tags?
Google Places offers and additional service that places special tags that look like coupons over your business. 
Tags are a way to stand out to potential customers, and while they don’t improve SEO rank, they do create better perceived value.
As of January, 2011, it is free to try  Google Places Tags for 30 days, and the service costs a flat rate of $25 per month if you choose to continue using it.  

Why Google Places Works So Well
According to the folks at Google, one in five internet searches are directly related to locations. 
Since Google places allows business owners the ability to update their offerings in real time, customers can find you and you have the opportunity to create a sense of excitement by adding special coupons just for customers who find you on Google Places.  

Add Google Places for smartphone users, and you just might see your business improve by leaps and bounds. 
The bottom line is, your customers and potential new clients are looking for what they want on Google, and if you are there, you are going to be noticed.  

No one can pass up a great deal, so come up with a promotion, put it up on your Google Places Place Page, and watch the magic happen. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Five Website Design Mistakes Not To Make - Marketing Tip no 005

Website design software is everywhere, and so are website design companies.

  You can even design your own website for free, if you so desire, on many different site builders.
  Considering the many options that exist, it’s completely understandable that small business owners often feel a sense of confusion when it comes to building a website.

  While there are many extremely desirable elements to website design, there are also some things you should avoid.
  Here are five website design mistakes you should be careful never to make.

Mistake #5:  Using PDF Files Instead of Pages
It might be tempting to scan existing documents into pdf format and upload them onto your website.
  Give visitors a link to click, and up comes your pdf.
 Easy, right?  Wrong!  People hate finding pdf’s on websites.
  They take a long time to load, and they can be hard to read.
  Take the time to create a new page that contains the pertinent information.
  You can build links and backlinks, add great photos, and make your page a pleasure to visit instead of an irritation.
  Annoyed visitors leave a site and look for a better one – so skip the pdf’s.

Mistake #4:  Using Bookish Text
People want information fast.
  They want to scan your site and see whether you have what they are looking for.
•    Do not make your site look like the page of a book.
  Keep it interesting.
•    Use photos and vary the text size to highlight different areas of your page.
•    Use bulleted lists and quick paragraphs with headers that tell the visitor what they’re going to find under that heading.
•    Make your site interactive.
  The more fun people have when they visit your site, the more successful it will be.

Mistake #3:  Building A Flashy Site That Is Too Complicated For Users To Navigate
You can have the most beautiful looking website in the world, but without elements that are properly built using proven website design techniques, your site will be just more pretty pictures – and the internet is full of those! 
People want to go to a site, find what they are looking for, and leave.
  The better and faster the internet gets, the faster people expect sites to work.

Mistake #2:  Preventing Smartphone Users From Accessing Your Site
This is a relatively new mistake in website design, and if you’ve got a website now, it’s worth looking into.
  Can people who surf the web on their iPhone, Droid, Blackberry or other smartphone get into your site? 
  Can they find what they’re looking for, and navigate well? 
  If not, your site needs first aid.

Mistake #1:  Not Hiring A Professional To Handle Website Design
You might want to help your buddy who is learning about website design build his portfolio by building you a website, and while that might be OK if he has some experienced guidance...
it also might ruin your chances of ending up with a great site that is both user friendly and high ranking.

These days, website design is about a lot more than looking good. 
Hire a professional, and your site will do exactly what you need it to – gain you business, and increase your bottom line. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Facebook-Build-Loyalty- Marketing Tip no 004

How Many Friends Do You Have?  Facebook Builds Loyalty

There's a lot of buzz around social media marketing, and for good reason.
Let's take a few minutes to look at how facebook builds loyalty.
If you're like most people, then you probably have a personal facebook account, where you keep track of your friends and family.
You might have located an old high school sweetheart, or found out that your old nemesis from sixth grade is now a preacher in middle America.
Whatever the case may be, facebook is a fun way for people to connect.
It's also extremely addictive – and that makes it a super effective marketing tool – one of the best, least expensive ways to build loyalty.
While you might be one of the few folks who does stay off facebook in your personal life, people like you are few and far between.
Let's take a closer look at why facebook is such an important part of any  social media marketing campaign for small, local business! 

Build Loyalty
Have you ever noticed that the more stake you feel you have in something, and the better relationship you feel you have with an entity, the more likely you are to feel loyal toward it?  Whether your company offers a certain type of service or a certain product, having a presence on facebook and inviting your customers and potential customers to join will help you build a loyal following.

Facebook Accounts Build Themselves
Well, not really – you do have to interact to make the most of facebook.
But, as social media marketing goes, facebook is easy.
Here's an example:
You build a facebook profile with basic information about your business and a few snazzy snapshots.
Now you're up on facebook, but you don't have any friends yet.
Don't worry – they'll show up.
Once you've gotten your profile up, it's time to start looking for people you know.

Go through your customer list, and look for them on facebook.
Invite these people to be friends or fans!  Once you have some friends or fans, invite them to participate in a special offer – let's say you have a coffeehouse:
Facebook Friday!  Friends and Fans get a latte for $2.
Come in and see our new fireplace!  

You'll be swamped on Friday, and you'll be building brand loyalty through social media marketing.  So, take a look at facebook, see what different companies are offering, and come up with your own plan.  If you are pressed for time, consider hiring a consultant to help you with this aspect of marketing your business via social media – you'll be thrilled with the results. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Email Marketing For Small Business Owners - Marketing Tip no 003

Who hasn’t been the victim of targeted email marketing, where someone has sold your email address and all of a sudden you’re the lucky recipient of things like “Try this little blue pill!” or “Use this credit card – you can’t live without it!” 
 As a small business owner, you certainly don’t want to fall into the same category as these unwanted messages do: that category is Spam! 
On the other hand, you can run an effective email marketing campaign that your customers will enjoy.
Let’s take a look at what a good email marketing campaign is, and why it works so well for businesses of every size.
What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is a method for telling customers or potential clients about a product, service, or combination of the two, that you have.
It’s a way to give them insight about what is going on with your business, and it’s a great way to build a good working relationship with them.
This is particularly true if you have a consumable product or service.
The fact is, people have a lot on their minds, and they are constantly barraged with a whole host of messages from every direction.
Failing to communicate with your customers puts you at risk of being forgotten.
How Does Email Marketing Work?
While it is possible for a business owner to send out little reminders to a group of customers on a regular basis, doing it the old fashioned way is not the best use of your valuable time.
Here’s the best way to do it: 

1) Come up with a message, or set of messages.
You might run regular sales or service specials, or want to promote a lunch or dinner special for your restaurant on a regular basis.

2) Remember, talk to people like they’re your friends, because in the end, they are.
Customers can make or break your business, and you want them to love you.
Make your message friendly.

3) Take advantage of an email autoresponder.
Load your email contacts into the autoresponder, and get your message to your customers.
Just like every other aspect of online marketing for small businesses, using email marketing and autoresponders  is something that requires a certain amount of finesse.  Get together with your online marketing specialist, and create a specialized plan that will work wonders for your business! Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

Does Your Company Need Social Media Marketing? - Marketing Tip no 002

You’ve heard all the buzz, and your curiosity has been piqued. 

What in the world is social media marketing, and, can your company benefit from it? 
What is Social Media Marketing?
In a nutshell, social media marketing is a form of marketing your business via platforms labeled “social media.” 
Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and LinkedIn might be things you have heard of…
…and you might very well have noticed certain types of businesses using these platforms to create excitement about the products and services they have to offer. 
Why is Social Media Marketing Successful?
Social media marketing at its finest helps businesses to connect with existing clients and potential customers on a whole new level. 
People find things they like, and they share them with others. 
As the sharing continues, the businesses that use social media marketing to their advantage see amazing growth…
…and find that their interactions with their clientele are, overall, much more positive.
What Kind of Businesses Should Use Social Media Marketing?
Whether you have an apple orchard or a dairy farm, a restaurant or a bike shop, an auto dealership or a nightclub,
a midwifery practice or a life insurance company, social media marketing should be part of your overall picture. 
Simply put, there is no type of business that cannot put social media marketing to work! 
Let’s pretend for a moment that you have an apiary. 
You and your honey bees spend summers growing flowers and making honey. 
How can social media marketing work for you? 
First, you connect with people who are interested in what you have to offer. 
You don’t make them come to you – you link to them. 
Linking to other businesses is helpful, so in your case, let’s make friends with local restaurants, bakeries, greenhouses, and farmers. 
They’re out there! 
Now that you are friends with them, you can attract their friends. 
You’re suddenly very popular – and people want your honey. 
They find out you sell honey online, and they order it like crazy. 
Now, you keep the buzz going. 
Keep putting pictures of your gardens and videos of your bees up on your Facebook page. 
Make it fascinating.  Show your passion, and share your interest in keeping bee populations healthy – sell honey and related products all at the same time.
As you do this, you’ll find you’ve got the kind of clients you want and need - and best of all, you don’t need to do much to make this happen. 
No matter what kind of business you have, get in touch with a social media marketing expert and put them to work. 
You’ll find the rewards are absolutely amazing. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

An Introduction To Social Video Marketing - Marketing Tip no 001

What is social video marketing?  

On the surface, it’s a way to get existing and potential customers to interact with your website. 
It’s an entertaining way for you to get your message across. 
At best, it’s a great way to improve your overall SEO picture. 
Social video marketing is nothing like those old TV commercials – instead, it combines gripping images…
…and motivational text or music to make your customers feel they need to do two things: 
heed your call to action, and share your message with people they feel would appreciate what you have to offer.
What Social Video Marketing Is Not
Social video marketing is not a standard commercial. 
A film crew does not come to your place of business and build a highly choreographed visual press release. 
In fact, most social video marketing for small businesses takes place with the help of a good internet marketing specialist…
…and a few people who have the talent to put a quick, entertaining video together. 
Quick cameras like the Flip and others like it make the process of producing and editing short films a snap!
Social video marketing is not spam. 
Some businesses make the mistake of being overly forceful, which is something you definitely don’t want to do…
…the most effective social video marketing campaigns are those that people actually WANT to watch.
What Social Video Marketing Is
Putting out a black and white definition of social video marketing is nigh impossible. 
It’s different things to different people. 
The best social video marketing doesn’t really even look like marketing to most consumers, which is precisely why it is so effective. 
Here are just a few things that define social video marketing:
* Social video marketing triggers a psychological response. 
It creates a need, and a drive to interact. 
You want your customers to see your videos and think, “Wow! I need to share this!”
* Social video marketing uses platforms that are already in place. 
YouTube and Facebook are two examples of places where effective video campaigns enjoy red hot success. 
People are always watching, sharing with friends, and taking action. 
* Social video marketing is all about you and your business. 
It is original, fresh, and often funny or gripping in some other way. 
We’ve just barely covered the tip of the iceberg in this introduction – find out more by talking with your online marketing specialist. 
He or she can give you even more specific insight about how to use this incredible tool to make your business more successful than you ever imagined it could be. Browse our Digital Marketing Services at https://www.RedCowAdvertising.com/

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